Keep it COOL!!!!

Posted by Donna Humphries on

Air Conditioning

One of the most common devices used in a modern indoor garden is an air conditioner. . These types of air conditioners are very efficient at removing excess heat and maintaining a cool environment.

Of all the devices used to control the atmospheric conditions in an indoor garden, an air conditioner gives growers the most control. There are many makes and models of air conditioners on the market, so it can be a little overwhelming for a new indoor horticulturist.

When shopping for an air conditioner for an indoor garden, a grower needs to pay close attention to the machine’s BTU rating. British thermal unit (BTU) is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

Don’t let the definition of BTU confuse you. Instead, just think of BTUs as a way to quantify heating or cooling equipment. In other words, a grower can use a BTU rating to find the appropriate size air conditioner for his or her garden.

Sizing Air Conditioning Equipment for an Indoor Garden

To adequately cool their indoor garden, a grower will need to consider the five major factors that influence the size of an air conditioner.

Those factors are the dimensions of the growing area, the lighting equipment, the ballasts of the lighting equipment, and any remaining electrical accessories used in the garden.

Room Dimensions

When sizing an air conditioning system for an indoor garden, the first thing a grower should note is the size of the space that needs to be cooled.

Although the heat created by the lighting system and other garden equipment will need to be considered to determine the required cooling load, the size of the space in cubic feet will determine the minimum BTU requirements for the air conditioning equipment. This minimum size can be determined by using a general BTU chart for room size.

General BTU Chart for Room Size

Cubic Feet = BTUs

  • 1 - 1,200 = 5,000
  • 1,200 - 1,600 = 6,000
  • 1,600 - 2,000 = 7,000
  • 2,000 - 2,400 = 8,000
  • 2,400 - 2,800 = 10,000
  • 2,800 - 3,200 12,000
  • 3,200 - 3,600 14,000
  • 3,600 - 4,000 15,000
  • 4,000 - 4,800 18,000
  • 4,800 - 5,600 20,000
  • 5,600 - 6,400 22,000
  • 6,400 - 7,200 25,000